How Come She Can Eat So Much and Look So Fit?

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through Instagram, wondering how can she eat all that food and still maintain such, lean, defined, toned, [insert your chosen adjective] physique?

It's extra frustrating when you're doing everything you're supposed to: hydrating, walking daily, lifting weights, eating veggies and protein. But then you're like, wait, how does she eat so much and stay lean?

For years, I grappled with these same thoughts.

Week after week, I found myself in a frustrating cycle of over-exercising (CrossFit, HIIT, pushing my body to failure way too often) and an unhealthy diet of restriction followed by weekend binges.

But here's the thing: I had it all backwards, and maybe you do too.

Let's unpack why it seems like some women can eat so much more and stay lean:

1. 🚶‍♀️ Activity Levels: She's likely more active, getting 10-12k steps a day compared to your 4-6k (which is still great by the way!) is a significant difference in overall calories burned. 

2. 💪 Muscle: She's spent years building muscle through heavy lifting and proper nutrition which has sped up her metabolism, allowing her to burn a liiiiitle more calories even at rest.

3. ⚖️ She doesn't live and die by the scale: If you want to add muscle to your frame, the scale might go up. Honestly, most of the fitness influencers you see on IG probably weigh more than you think, but they look lean and "toned" because, well, muscle! 

4. Maintenance Matters: She's spending more time eating at maintenance, rather than in a constant state of dieting. It's normal for everyone's metabolism to adapt to lower calorie intake, so if you've been in a deficit for a long time without seeing progress, I'd suggest increasing your calorie intake and prioritize feeling good. When was the last time you weren't fixated on losing weight?

5. 🌈 Food Freedom: She's got a healthy relationship with food. She isn't restricting so hard during the week and then binging on weekends. She understands the basics of nutrition, prioritizes nutritious foods most of the time, but enjoys a croissant or cookie when it's worth it to her. 🍪🥐

6. Genetics Matter: She has different genetics than you!! Age, Height, Weight, genetics, and myriad other factors play into your metabolic rate and physique. This is why comparing what you eat to someone else is NEVER helpful.

7. 📈 Weekly Averages: On average, she might not be consuming more calories than you; it just appears that way because you're fixating on restrictive weekdays while overlooking weekends. You might also be comparing your deficit calories to her maintenance calories.

8. 🍽️ Selective Sharing: She isn't sharing every meal, snack, or bite. What you see on social media is just the highlight reel. No one's posting about the crumbs (or extra slices of steak--just me?!) they snacked on while prepping that perfectly plated meal. 

9. ❄️ Individuality: At the end of the day, you are you, and she is she. So it really doesn't matter how much she appears to be eating.

But, I totally get it – curiosity and comparison are all part of being human. So, take this as a reminder to prioritize what truly matters: Eating in alignment with your values, dialling in healthy habits, nurturing a positive relationship with food, fuelling your workouts, getting lots of sleep, and making satisfying and nutritious meals, without guilt.

Sending strength, encouragement, healthy comparison & curiosity,


PS. Are you ready to take control of your health, feel better, and look better?
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