Nutrition & fitness coaching for strong, courageous women who want to create a relationship with food & movement that’s sustainable, flexible, & actually enjoyable for the long run
To support women in ditching diets for good & finding a balanced, flexible, & sustainable approach to achieving their body goals
Hi, I’m Alicia Connors!
Women’s Health coach, transformational eating practitioner, and former crossfit games athlete
Hey, friend! I’m Alicia Connors, a nutrition & fitness coach for strong, courageous women like you who want to create a relationship with food & movement that’s sustainable, flexible, and actually enjoyable for the long run.
As a former professional CrossFit athlete, I spent my entire teenage years and early 20s forcing myself into a very restrictive and punish-based fitness regime, and battled eating disorders for years on top of it all.
Of course, this wasn’t sustainable for me (hindsight is always 20/20…) and after competing in the CrossFit Games in 2015, I took a huge step back. I was straight-up burnt out & exhausted from keeping up with the unrealistic expectations I set for myself.
After taking some time off and rediscovering my love for fitness and movement in a new way, in 2018 I went on to become a certified health coach and started living by the principles of intuitive eating. This was the lens I approached coaching for a few years, until my perspective began to shift both for myself and after working with some really incredible women.
Like maybe you’ve experienced in some way, I found myself in a liminal space of needing to recalibrate — I definitely knew that the all-or-nothing, diet culture mentality and routine was the furthest thing that I wanted for myself (and that my clients wanted to break away from for good, too) — but it became complicated when physique goals were still something they wanted to pursue.
This is when I asked… “Why the hell can’t we do both?”
You can heal your relationship with fitness and food, AND still have physique goals.
You can want to be leaner, AND still want to become stronger.
You can have a solid fitness routine, AND still live a fun & fulfilling life outside of the gym.
You can achieve your physique goals WITHOUT going to extreme measures.
You truly can do both. But a lot of times, it can require personalized guidance and support to make it feel WAY less daunting and more doable for the long run, so you can ditch diets for good & find a balanced, flexible, and sustainable approach to achieving your body goals.
(AKA, you can get jacked WITHOUT obsessive dieting and exercising!)
There aren’t many spaces for women who want to pursue fitness & nutrition goals outside of diet culture — and that’s a space I want to create for women like you, because it’s so needed.
This is the lens I approach my 1:1 nutrition and fitness coaching container, The BETTER Method, created on the foundation of:
Because I firmly believe there’s a literal BETTER WAY to achieve and maintain your physique, and to live your best life — free of obsessive dieting, counting every calorie and gram you consume, and spending hours doing cardio & 2-a-days.
As your coach, I’d freaking LOVE to support you in teaching you what it means to eat and exercise in ways that feel balanced & flexible for you (and ONLY you — not for everyone else on the internet!), without sacrificing your body goals.
You CAN establish a balanced, flexible, and fulfilling life, and I’d be honored to support you in finding your version of all of that and more.
My Mission:
To support women in ditching diets for good & finding a balanced, flexible, & sustainable approach to achieving their body goals.
My Core Beliefs:
All bodies are good bodies — no matter what size or how they look. AND, you’re still allowed to have body goals. There’s no shame in wanting to get jacked.
Diets don’t work in the long haul — but balanced & flexible eating does. Avoiding your favourite foods forever isn’t sustainable, and it definitely isn’t fun. It’s possible to eat foods that you love while still working toward your body goals!
There’s no “secret sauce” to attaining your body goals. Resistance training, drinking water, going for walks, eating when you’re hungry, focusing on high protein, and getting a good night’s sleep is the ticket to building muscle, improving your metabolism, & working toward your dream body.
Life is too short to miss out on the moments that matter most because of food rules. Period.