3 Nonnegotiable's for Sustainable Physique Change

When it comes to your health and physique goals, have you ever been told by a personal trainer, nutritionist, or social media influencer to do things like...

👉 Cut out whole eggs and only eat egg whites? (the overall messaging being that fat is "bad")
👉 Do fasted cardio if you want to lose weight?
👉 Eat high protein and high fat, cut all carbs except for vegetables?
👉 Weigh and measure all your food, even spinach?

If you have been given this kind of advice, and implemented these practices into your routine (even if it didn't feel *right* to you at your core), I wanna take a second to validate that you're NOT alone in this -- and you're not bad for using these tactics before.

Seriously though, it's not uncommon that women come to me who've exhausted the list above and then some when it came to pursuing their health and body goals.

I was taught these things too...and tried them for years...😅

Because as much as I hate to admit it, sometimes these tactics DO "work" in the SHORT term. Sure, you could lose some water weight, maybe some fat loss paired with muscle loss, but then what? What happens when advice like this doesn't take your autonomy, preferences, schedule, mental health, and health history into consideration?

Basically, some of the extreme advice works in the short term, but it usually leaves long lasting negative effects. I won't go into detail on those today, but just know that it's not uncommon for most people to: regain the weight back, experience hormone imbalances, food intolerances, digestive issues, skin issues, and a poorer relationship with food and exercise after extreme approaches.

This is why I created The BETTER Method.

The BETTER Method is so important to folks who want to build their physique and change their body composition, without going to extremes.

Extremes are unsustainable and leave people feeling miserable and discouraged once they realize it's not something they can do forever.

The BETTER method stands for:

So before you sign up for another weight loss challenge or hire a Personal Trainer who's preaching fasted cardio and egg white only breakfasts, here are 3 things to consider incorporating into your routine:

Creating sustainable physique changes while cultivating an enjoyable and flexible relationship with food and fitness can be as simple as...

👉 Eating protein at every meal. Add a protein shake to your usual snack. Protein is anabolic, meaning it helps to maintain and build lean muscle mass.

👉 Increasing your overall movement. I'm not talking about your scheduled gym time. I'm talking about adding-in evening or morning walks, bike rides to the beach or grocery store, taking the stairs, gardening, or going for an evening swim. Not only are these activities great for your mental health, but they're also great if you want to see physique changes.

👉 Including Proactive Treats. Instead of white knuckling M-F trying to eat "clean," only to find yourself binging on all of the "off limit" foods come Friday night, start including some of your favourite foods during the week. Stay mindful, enjoy them, and notice how much more satisfied you feel = less thoughts about food = more energy for other things!

These are some of the topics we go into great detail over our 5 months of working through the BETTER method.

Using sustainable, flexible, and balanced approaches to eating and fitness...
Again, these will vary depending on your goals, values, and your definition of health...

Is the only ethical way (IMO) to help folks who want to create habit change, physique shifts, and maintain their social life;)

These shifts can be simple, simple doesn't mean easy...especially since we've been taught to do the opposite, since, well, basically forever. 🤯

It's a BIG reason I created The BETTER Method: a simple, sustainable, and flexible solution for creating the body you want with out sacrificing things like: date nights, your favourite dessert, travel, and birthday celebrations!

If you're ready to see what's possible for you when it comes to reclaiming your relationship with food and fitness while building the body you want, I'd love to connect!

You can send me an email or Follow me on Instagram and send me a DM!

