Is Your Metabolism Broken If You Can't Eat 2500+ Calories???

Ever seen those 'reverse diet' claims on Instagram, promising weight loss by eating more?

Reality check: it's often about stopping restriction-binge cycles, making daily intake less but feeling like more.

Also, your metabolism isn't 'broken' if it doesn't match a CrossFit champ's or a fitness influencer's diet. Their activity levels are their job!

Understanding our unique metabolic needs is crucial. Today's newsletter dives into debunking the 'eat more to lose weight' myth and dive into the nuances.

Also, I'd love to hear from you! (Comment Below!) if you've ever felt like your metabolism was broken, and/or, if you've reverse dieted and the changes you noticed?

If you’re hoping for eating more to be your *weight loss magic bullet*…🙏

Chances are, it’s not.

Let's talk about managing metabolic expectations, especially during the holidays.

Simply “eating more” to lose weight
isn’t the *miracle cure* that everyone hopes for…

The truth is, genetics and lifestyle have a huge say in how our bodies handle food—even if our stats match our BFF’s.

Comparing your food intake to your favourite influencer, who rarely shows themselves eating the food they pose with, won'thelp you.

IF you’re gaining weight despite feeling like you’re barely eating—with so much love—
you’re not under-eating.

That’s not how our metabolisms work.😵

I get it—I clung to that belief too, thinking my metabolism was broken. 

I wasn’t under-eating, I was in a surplus. Yet, I felt like I was under-eating (this is key!).

Feelings ≠ facts. 🫶🏼😬

Here’s what I was doing and what many women are struggling with: ⤵️

1️⃣ Restricting during the day, overeating at night.

2️⃣ Restricting M-F, overeating on weekends.

So, your average caloric intake still stays at maintenance or surplus.

But, you FEEL like you're under-eating because you spend so much time, energy, and brain power restricting food, depriving yourself, and doing endless mental food gymnastics. 

The ‘eat 2500-3000 calories’ to lose weight OR ‘stay under 1200-1400’ to lose weight, are equally UNhelpful.

Blanket statements like that are what’s keeping you stuck and confused as to what your next move should be.

➡️ Should I eat less and move more??
➡️ Should I eat more and move less?
➡️ Should I just say 'fuck it' and eat all the shortbread I baked for family and open a bottle of red wine??

As tempting as that last one is, it's not showing your body respect and you'll feel pretty shitty for a few days. Again, NOT helpful.

Here's the truth: ⤵️

  1. Eat less than you burn: Lose weight 📉

  2. Eat more than you burn: Gain weight 📈

  3. Eat less, lift weights, prioritize protein: Lose fat, gain muscle.

Learn the basics of how your metabolism works.🔥

Get to know how much food your body needs to maintain your weight, and then, learn strategies on how to expand that. 🙌🏼

Apply for 1-1 Health Coaching [
HERE] if you’re ready to dig deeper 🙋‍♀️

Sending strength, encouragement, realistic metabolic expectations,
