Satisfaction is the Most Important Macro

Maybe you've just come off a weekend of BBQ's, road trips, beach days, or whatever else you've been up to this summer.

Hopefully, you've been enjoying the road trip food stops, entire meals cooked on the BBQ, and picnics at the beach.

But for lots of people, there's this looming feeling of guilt or a moment of "I need get my sh*t together" when it comes to what they've eating.

This can happen for LOTS of reasons, the main one being that we've been conditioned to believe that if something tastes really good or isn't full of vitamins, then we're "bad" or need to "get back on track" and eat CLEAN. whatever that means...Windex Chicken Curry I guess???

If you've ever had these moments, I want to remind you that....

EATING for SATISFACTION is the most UNDERRATED and IMPORTANT piece if you:

⭐Want to have a healthier relationship with food.
⭐If you want to stop binging and over-eating.
⭐If you want to stop restricting and under-eating.
⭐If you want to enjoy the food you're eating without guilt or shame.
⭐If you want to stop obsessing, counting, and measuring your spinach and fish oils.

Picture these 2 eating scenarios:
1) Scenario # 1: You're sitting down to a plate of plain (probably dry) chicken breast, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, and a 1/2 cup of white rice.

You might feel full and satiated. But fullness is NOT the same as feeling satisfied.
If you try and stick to this way of eating long enough, you'll probably find yourself elbow deep in a pint of ice cream after polishing off cookies and chocolate bars.

NOT because you're a flawed human or lack will power, it's because you weren't satisfied. (It could also be because you're not eating enough food, usually both are true!)

2) Scenario #2: You're sitting down to a bowl (things taste better in bowl, IMO), of marinated chicken thighs, roasted broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower cooked in avocado oil and seasonings, over a bed of white rice with some grass-fed butter, sea salt, and pepper.

Which would you choose??
Which would feel more satisfying?
Which would help prevent you from binging/over eating?
Which would stop your all-obsessive-food-thoughts?

Fullness is the physical sensation of satiety, while satisfaction is the mental sensation of satiety.

When you get more pleasure from food, the easier it is to eat to a place of comfortable fullness and not think about food all of the time.

So even though you might be tempted to count your macros, eat super clean, or hire a macro coach after a weekend of very delicious foods...Please keep in mind that if none of those options allow you to eat for satisfaction, then they're probably not long term solutions.

✔️Protein, ✔️Carbs, and ✔️Fats are important! But so is Satisfaction✔️✔️✔️.

If you don't feel satisfied, you'll be on the search for more and more food, until you do feel satisfied.

If this resonated with you and you'd like to explore what a Balanced and Sustainable relationship with food and fitness can look like, I'd love to work with you!

I still have spots for 1-1 clients as we wrap up summer (crazy, I know!) and head into fall.

My 1-1 program: The BETTER Method

...are the 6 pillars we move through during our time together. I've designed this program for women who want to end their all obsessive food, diet-binge, and cardio cycle, and finally build a physique without relying on extreme approaches.

I always say, if it's too extreme, it's not sustainable.

The opposite of Extreme is Moderation. That is what I help women work towards.


This week we're hitting your upper body with a full-body 10 min AMRAP at the end, you'll need 1 Kettlebell.
AMRAP= As many rounds or reps as possible in 10 mins.

Grab the workout here--screen shot and save for later!

Check out my YouTube channel for movement demos.

Sending strength and encouragement,
