44 Things That Bring Me A Ridiculous Amount Of Joy

Because I couldn't think of 45 things...lol

These are little things that bring me a ridiculous amount of joy:

  • Pod walk 

  • When I’m done cleaning the litter boxes (cat owners know)

  • Walking into Chapters Indigo and seeing ALLLL the books!

  • When a restaurant leaves a big bottle or pitcher of water at the table because I drink more water than the average person

  • Fresh socks: My fave!!

  • Package arrives

  • The perfect mug when you arrive at your Airbnb: it has a big enough handle, the ideal weight (not too light but not too heavy), the right size (not too big or too small), and the perfect lip for drinking without spilling

  • Going for a drive with the windows down and listening to the perfect playlist

  • The auto workout detection mode in the Apple Watch that retroactively logs your walk that you didn’t manually start

  • Fully loaded fruit bowl

  • Weekend mornings

  • Opening a new tube of mascara or lip gloss. But also finishing those too because you know you’re gonna get to open new ones!

  • Finishing a book!

  • When an Airbnb has either an ice machine or an ice cube tray

  • When you turn on your laptop not sure if it’s gonna be dead or fully charged and it’s fully charged!

  • When someone starts a message with, “no need to reply right away”

  • Freshly brewed coffee

  • Clean bed sheets

  • When the bus is coming as you’re getting to the bus stop

  • Finding a forgotten snack

  • Remembering a dream!

  • Waking up before your alarm

  • Finding something you lost

  • The first page of a new notebook or journal

  • When a new episode of your favourite show drops

  • Getting a seat on the bus

  • New stationery supplies

  • A new workout outfit

  • When all of the equipment you need in the gym is available when you need it

  • When the avocados and/or bananas are perfectly ripe for when you need them

  • Post-workout endorphins

  • When you’re at the grocery store early (pre 8am) and all of the produce looks so perfect it could almost be art

  • Walking past a house cooking a fragrant meal (usually garlic is involved)

  • A cool breeze when it’s really hot out

  • When you schedule all of the appointments you’ve been putting off: dentist, doctor, naturopath, physio, therapy, etc.

  • Leaving those appointments and feeling accomplished

  • When you clean your jewelry

  • Freshly cleaned makeup brushes (which reminds me I need to do this)

  • After you’ve cleaned out your closet

That's a wrap on my list of everyday things that bring me a lot of joy! 

Be on the look out for...

My Substack!

I've been contemplating starting a Substack newsletter for a few weeks now, and I'm pumped to share with you that my goal is to have it up and running within the next two-ish weeks!

I'll be transitioning everything over to the Substack platform, but don't worry—I'll keep you in the loop every step of the way.

There will be options for extra paid content, but I'll still be sending out weekly (or bi-weekly) newsletters for everyone.

Why the change?

Substack offers a more community-oriented experience with features like notes, likes, comments, and monetization.

There are no algorithms to contend with, and creators retain full ownership of their content. All of this is incredibly appealing to me, and I hope it will elevate your reading experience.

Plus, Substack has a free app that makes it more fun and engaging. It feels less like another email flooding your inbox (though it will be delivered that way) because you can also use the app instead!

Sending strength, encouragement, and simple pleasures,

Alicia 🌸✨

Podcast Break

My latest podcast, episode 162,"A Love Letter to Routine, Personal and Professional Goals, Losing Fat Without Tracking, Dieting Biofeedback, and Eating More Than Others," dropped yesterday!

Make sure you have a listen because I'm taking one week off from podcasting. I'll be away for part of this week and into next week, enjoying some time with Ryan in Fernie, BC, and Whitefish, Montana!