You Can't Have Your Cake and Eat It Too, Or Can You??


I hope you had an awesome weekend! Ours was pretty great, it was filled with friends, football, and, of course, some seriously delicious food. We made a little trip to Seattle, caught up with friends, enjoyed a delicious Mexican-inspired dinner, and watched the Seahawks play, spoiler - they won!🏈

You know, one of the absolute highlights of crossing the border (aside from seeing friends and family;)) is stocking up on all my favourite products (especially lots of dark chocolate) that we can't find up in Canada. And that got me thinking...

Can you really enjoy your all-time favourite treats and still make progress towards getting lean? 🍫🤔

It's easy to get caught up in the extreme narratives - either maintain your current lifestyle and therefore, maintain your weight (which is fine if that's your goal!)


Dive headfirst into a bodybuilder's regimen, you know, plain chicken breast, white rice, broccoli, rinse and repeat...But, the truth is, there's a sweet spot in between that's unique to you.⚖️

Take my love for gluten-free cookies for example: As I worked on becoming leaner, I didn't give them up entirely. Instead, I savoured them when they truly felt worth it, without being overly strict.

A life without cookies is NOT the life for me.🍪

And sometimes, that life involves more intentionality when it comes to eating cookies.

Similarly, for many of my clients, eating warm cinnamon buns [insert your favourite treat] with their kids on Sunday mornings is something that's important to them. So, we keep it in. 

When it comes to your fat loss (and health) strategy, you're in the driver's seat, determining which trade-offs make sense for you. Some compromises will be necessary, but they shouldn't overshadow your overall well-being.

Remember, the process of getting leaner doesn't have to be a stressful one.It's about being intentional, especially when it comes to things like snacking, happy hours, and eating out.

If you're interested in personalized guidance, I'm here to offer one-on-one support to help you achieve and maintain your goals, all while ensuring you don't miss out on what truly matters to you, like, Sunday croissants, or wine nights with girlfriends. ✨🥐

Click HERE if  you want to learn more about how I can guide you through this process--without unwanted stress--and actually maintain your fat loss results!

Sending strength, encouragement, and intentional treats,


Ps. Enjoy some pics from the weekend! ⬇️

Hotel morning selfie

Grocery haul from the US

Side lines at the Seahawks game

Carne Asada Bowl

Watching the warm-up is just as fun as watching the game!