Imagine a Life WITHOUT Diets and Food Rules

what would your life look like if you…

🚫 never dieted.
🚫 stopped relying on a fitness app to determine what/when/and how much to eat.
🚫 stopped following your made up “food rules.”
🚫 stopped labelling foods as “good” or “bad.”
🚫 stopped exercising to earn your calories.
🚫 didn’t questioned your body’s hunger signals.
🚫 quit comparing your body to others.
🚫 didn’t turn to food every time you felt lonely, sad, or anxious.

💫 living and eating intuitively is a frame work rooted in self-care.💫

✨this looks like, but not limited to...✨

✨ giving yourself unconditional permission to eat a variety of foods!
✨ honouring your hunger and fullness cues.
✨ anticipating your needs. (Yes, it’s okay to pack snacks people!) 🙌🏼
✨ moving in ways you find enjoyable.
✨ eating what YOU WANT- cause you’re a grown ass woman. 💃
✨ leading with self-compassion and body acceptance.
✨ experimenting + getting curious with what foods you like, dislike, make you feel good and still provide satisfaction.
you’ve spent so much time and energy obsessing over food, diets, and exercise. 🤯
you believe you can’t trust your body’s signals or trust yourself around food.
so the idea of Intuitive eating feels scary.😬
I GET IT. 🙋‍♀️
but, I want to remind you that getting in tune with your body’s cues takes time. especially if you’ve been dieting, restricting, and binging.
but, what do you have to lose?
do you want to form sustainable healthy habits rooted in self-trust? 💃
- OR -
continue to live in the extremes, obsessing, and never feeling physically at home in your body? 

Comment below!

What has dieting, food and body obsession taken from your life?

What is one thing you can do today to start building sustainable healthy behaviours?

connect with me on instagram

-Alicia, xx