How To Handle a Not-so-Great Body Image Day


body image, lets talk about it 💃

✨it's normal and totally okay to not love what you see in the mirror every day.👀

if I made decisions based on how I felt about my body every day, I'd end up in sweats and eating dark chocolate a heck of a lot more than I already do.

it’s okay to not love the look of your thighs. or your stomach. or your arms.

but, can you accept them? can you acknowledge that they're a part of you, and that you're so much more than your body. 💖

❌🧠 when the negative thoughts start to roll in....

👇🏼any of these sound familiar?👇🏼
"I look so bloated"
"I can't pull off that dress"
"I hate my cellulite" -- spoiler, 98% of women have cellulite, it's normal, ya hear?
" I hate how my arms jiggle"
"I wish my face look slimmer"
"I wish I had abs" -- do you want to cut calories and workout an insane amount to achieve that? if yes, cool! but it's important to ask yourself what you're willing to sacrifice in order to achieve and maintain your goals. 🤔

instead of trying so hard to love your body, start smaller.

can you think of a few things you like about your body? or yourself as a living, breathing, human? ❤️

i bet if you were to ask 5 people close to you, what they love about you, none of them would list off your pant size, weight, your target calories on MFP, or how many steps you get in each day.🙅‍♀️

because you are so much more than your body. 🙌

can you start to accept and appreciate your body?

what would you say to her?

when I'm having a not-so-great body day, I will close my eyes, and turn inwards. i’ll take a few deep breaths, and think about how grateful I am for my body and all that it does for me. 🦵🏼 my legs—they're strong, they hold me up, they get me around the city, airports, grocery stores, literally EVERYWHERE! they’re the only ones I have, and I’m fucking grateful. 🙏🏼

Let’s connect on instagram: @aliciamayconnors

- Alicia, xx