Eating Mindfully + Intuitively Has Changed My Life


Eating mindfully--what I've learned and put into my own eating practices and habits around food:

✨I'm aware of the positive and nurturing experiences that food brings--this includes preparation, consumption, and satisfaction by respecting my own INNER WISDOM AND INTUITION.

✨ I CHOOSE to eat foods that fulfill pleasure and nourishment to my body by tapping into all of my senses so that I can explore, taste, savor, and truly enjoy the experience that food has to offer.

✨ I recognize my responses to food without guilt, shame, or judgement--this includes: likes, dislikes, neutral, what foods make me feel good, give me energy, make me feel sluggish, support or disrupt my digestion. When we acknowledge how our body's respond to certain foods we can make informed & mindful decisions without falling back into the diet mentality that we are constantly bombarded with.

✨ I have self-awareness around my physical hunger and satiety cues--this helps guide me when I'm hungry, satisfied, want more food, or if I ate past satiety--again, this is information that guides my future decisions and provides me with information (that's all it is, information). There is no right or wrong, pass or fail with learning how to eat mindfully and intuitively.

✨ I eat foods that provide my body, mind, and spirit with nourishment, satisfaction, and pleasure. I move my body because it makes me feel good--not because I'm "earning my food" (diet mentality). I practice body-acceptance and neutral/positive self-talk.

✨ If you feel out of control around food, restricting/binging, having little self-trust with food, pre-occupied with food and exercise, can't seem to access your hunger and satiety cues--I have been there. This is why I'm working towards becoming a Holistic Health Coach. My goal is to help women break free from the diet mentality, exercise obsession and heal their relationship with food, movement, and their bodies.

- Alicia xo

Instagram: @aliciamayconnors