Establish Boundaries and Stop Worrying About the Opinions of Others

Cooking class in Italy, 2019.

Cooking class in Italy, 2019.

When I first started surrendering to what my body wanted, I was afraid my body would change and I’d stop being known as the “fit girl,” or the girl who “ate so clean” and had such strong “willpower.” It was like I wore those terms as a badge of honour.
But if I continued living my life worried about what other people thought of me and my body, then I would always be chasing love & approval from others and never feeling like I’m good enough.
Maybe you’re tired of putting on the persona of being the “healthy friend” or the daughter who’s “super fit” or the sister who “eats perfectly clean,” or the wife who has the “perfect” body.
And you want to stop: 👇🏼
~ restricting + depriving yourself of foods.
~ having your identity wrapped up in being the “clean eater.” ~ the guilt and shame cycle that comes from having a poor relationship with your body and food.
~ doing cardio and spending hours in the gym to “burn” and “earn” calories.
~ mindlessly eating and binging on foods you won’t let yourself eat in-front of others.
And instead, you start to channel all of that energy and put it into your healing, learning, and growing. This won’t be a linear process, and there’s no ‘pass’ or ‘fail’ when you’re unlearning your negative self talk and poor relationship with food. With each meal, thought, & life experience you can slowly start connecting with yourself, your intuition, and creating new neural pathways.

Boundaries in your relationships can be so hard, but so important for your healing journey. You don’t have to convince everybody or get everybody on board about diet culture and why it can be so harmful. Try to let go of being in defence mode when they question your new choices and journey.
Stay in your lane, focus on your WHY. That’ll keep you on grounded.

Perhaps you ask people to support you rather than trying to educate everyone around you. <3

connect with me on instagram: @aliciamayconnors

-Alicia, xo.