How These Myths are Pushing you Farther Away from Food Freedom


Food and Exercise myths that we start to believe:

- Exercise more, eat less. (I know from experience that this WILL backfire🔥).
- Carbs make you fat.
- Eating low fat is better for you.
- Gluten is the root of all evil.
- Fruit is too high in sugar.
- This 30 day meal plan will be the answer to all my problems.
- I'm addicted to food.
- If I do more cardio I'll lose the weight.
- Weight training will make me bulky.
- I have to workout fasted to lose body fat.
- I have to punish myself in the gym today because I "FELL OFF THE WAGON" last night.
- I can't eat past 8pm or I'll gain weight.
- I can't trust myself around food.

💫 REFRAMING your Negative Beliefs + Self Talk👇🏼

- Moving my body is a form of self-respect.
- Eating a variety of nutrient dense foods is nourishing for my mind, body, and soul.
- I enjoy ________ (insert a form of movement) because it brings me _______(insert a positive emotion), and allows me to _______(insert a daily activity. ie. Play w/ my kids, garden, perform well at work, be a patient & kind partner.
- I am loveable no matter what my body size is.
- I am worthy of love and abundance.
- I enjoy ALL types of foods for lots of reasons: pleasure, satisfaction, fuel, taste, comfort, etc.
- Food brings people together, it's meant to be celebrated + shared.
- I can eat when I'm hungry + stop when I'm satisfied.
- I choose to eat and move with love and intention for vitality + wellness.

⚡️ ROADBLOCKS to Changing your relationship with your BODY and FOOD👇🏼

- Thinking that you're broken.
- You're addicted to the cycle of restricting foods + over-exercising.
- You don't think you can trust yourself around certain foods.
- You have an intense fear of weight gain.
- You’re afraid you won't be lovable if you gain weight.
- You're afraid of investing in yourself + your health--because what if it works? What if you start to view food and your body differently? Think about how much more mental space you'll have! (Amazing & a little scary?)
- Letting perfect be the enemy of good.

👇🏼START here👇🏼

✨ OBSERVE your thought.
✨ DETACH from that thought.
✨ REFRAME your thought.
✨ TAKE ACTION- from a place of love 💖

- Alicia, xo

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