Healthy-ish Travel: How I approach Travel

Hey hey, happy Monday!

Did you catch some sun this weekend? I definitely did! But now I'm already looking ahead to next week when we'll be off to Cabo. I know, I know, just when the weather's getting nicer here, right? But I'm excited to explore a new place and try some new things while we'll there (I'm hoping to rent some ATV's and explore the area!)

Since I'll be away for a full 9 days, I thought I'd take a moment to share my approach to travel when it's longer than just a quick weekend trip.

Although I'm a firm believer in healthy habits, I know that travel often comes with an unstructured schedule that makes it hard to stick to a routine. But that's part of the fun of it, right? When I'm on a trip, I try to fully embrace the freedom that comes with a less-structured schedule, and make the most out of the experience.

As someone who places a high value on maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, I've learned to approach travel with a balanced mindset. While I still enjoy indulging in delicious food, coffee, and exploring new places, I also prioritize feeling good and getting some exercise in during my trip. This way I can fully enjoy all that travel has to offer while also staying true to my values and goals for my health.

How I approach Healthy-ish Travel:

✈️ Movement: As someone who values the benefits of exercise, I make an effort to incorporate movement into my travel routine.Whether it's a quick 20-minute bodyweight workout in my Airbnb or a session in the hotel gym, I find that moving my body sets a positive tone for the day. While I don't stick to my typical training split or spend as long in the gym, I still prioritize a workout because it helps me to feel my best, especially after a long flight. And let's be honest, when I travel, I always end up walking much more than I do back home, so there's plenty of natural movement already built-in.

✈️ Food: As a self-proclaimed foodie with dietary sensitivities, I take the time to research restaurants that offer gluten-free options or cater to my dairy intolerance. I'm always excited to explore the local cuisine, and I make an effort to prioritize protein earlier in the day and usually stick to protein and veggies for dinner. Although I may skip the bread basket, I indulge in baked goods or other tasty carbs that catch my eye.

✈️ Alcohol: While I enjoy a good mezcal margarita or whiskey sour, I'm not a big drinker. I don't feel the need to practice excessive self-discipline in this area. To be honest, I'd rather eat my calories than drink them, ha

✈️ Vitamins/Supplements: I always pack a few essentials like magnesium, digestive enzymes, vitamin C, and zinc to support my body while travelling. I might also bring along some single-serving packets of green powder or protein powder for quick and easy nutrition, but I generally prefer to eat whole foods and get my calories from meals.

✈️ Other items I bring along include resistance bands, a loop band, runners, and a skipping rope. These lightweight and compact items take up minimal space in my luggage, and they allow me to get some movement in no matter where I am in the world. 

I've found that this approach works best for me, but it's important to find what works for you. In my experience, travelling has actually improved my relationship with food. It has encouraged me to try new things and let go of the need for control. The unstructured nature of travel has taught me to be more flexible and open-minded, which has been beneficial in all aspects of my life!

My approach with clients is about empowering them to make the best choices in any given moment so they can live their best life. It's not about being obsessive, but rather finding a healthy balance that works for them. Even while on vacation, it's possible to have body goals and still enjoy yourself, but it's important to approach the trip with a realistic mindset.

If you're interested in working together and learning how to make the best decisions that align with your goals (even when you're on vacation), apply HERE. Together, we can focus on developing nutrition, movement, and lifestyle habits that will help you feel and look your best.

Sending strength + encouragement,


Breakfast Part 1 in Lagos, Portugal (Sept 2023)

Breakfast Part 2 in Lagos, Portugal (Sept 2023)

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A collection of GF baked goods from when we were in Barcelona, Spain