Fat loss OR relationship with food? Find out what your next best step is!

Today I’m going to talk about YOUR next best step in your health journey.

If you're looking to make changes to your health or physique, it's important to tailor your approach to your individual goals.

Whether you're looking to lose weight, maintain your current weight, build muscle, lose fat, or improve your relationship with food and build healthy habits, there are many paths you can take to reach your goal.

What I recommend…Take some time to reflect on where you are currently and where you would like to be. Get crystal clear.

This can help you to come up with a plan for how to get from your current situation to your desired future.

So many women are trying to diet, gain muscle, improve performance, and lose fat simultaneously WITHOUT a healthy foundation or strategy in place.

I did this for years too.

If you attempt too many goals that require specific strategies, you’ll often be at a stand still without achieving any of them.

It has nothing to do with willpower or effort. It has everything to do with not understanding how your brain, body, and metabolism respond to stressors, calorie deficits, etc.

You end up still feeling like shit, your health suffers, and you can kiss your physique goals good-bye (not to be too harsh, but it’s true).

It’s imperative to have a healthy relationship with food and establish healthy lifestyle habits in order to pursue physique and performance goals.

Many women find that when they focus on maintaining a healthy baseline, this includes a healthy relationship with food, they end up seeing physique results as a by product because they’re no longer stress eating or emotional eating.

With that, I’ve created a fun and insightful 6-question multiple choice quiz!

This quiz is designed to help you determine what the next best step is in your health journey. I firmly believe that in order to pursue and maintain body goals, you have to have a rock solid relationship with food, first.

Let's find out if you could benefit from spending time working on your relationship with food...


If entering into a fat loss phase is something you're ready for!

Take the Quiz!

Sending strength + encouragement,
