Going Against the Grain of Diet Culture is the Best Gift YOU Can Give Yourself


Learning how to nourish yourself can feel overwhelming + somedays impossible, I see you. You're doing amazing.💞

✨ If you’re unlearning "food rules" and diet talk, I see you. Keep going.

⚡️ If you're re-learning how to honour and fuel your body, you're doing amazing. Keep going.

💫 If you’re challenging patterns that don't serve you (ie. Restricting calories, tracking every ounce of food), stay the course, it DOES gets easier over time.

⭐️ If you're choosing to do less, REST your body, and/or recalibrate with some alone time, but that feels scary, I get it. Keep showing up for yourself.

✨ If you're trying something NEW, (ie. A new recipe, restaurant, or low intensity movement), and it feels like it’s “not good enough,” I encourage you to keep challenging your default thought pathways, and get CURIOUS. Write down a list things you want to do OR try. (food, travel, hobbies, movement). Which one will you choose to do today?

⚡️ If you feel uncomfortable in your body, but you’re still showing up, treating it with kindness and compassion, please know that this IS half the battle, I see you. Keep going.

💫 If you feel like moderation is more difficult than extremes with your diet, you're NOT alone. Most of us want to be given a meal + exercise plan. This might seem easier in the short-term, BUT, experimenting with what you enjoy, dislike, and what makes YOU feel good, is damn right empowering. This whole "moderation" or "living in the grey" IS the long-term & sustainable approach. I promise it's worth it!

🌙 If learning to trust your body feels nearly impossible at the moment, that's okay--be patient, surrender to YOUR journey, and keep doing the work.

🔥 The work is getting STILL, learning to be OKAY with yourself, OBSERVING your thoughts, DETACHING and REFRAMING these thoughts.

👉🏼 From there, you can start to make choices and develop habits that HONOUR + serve YOU.

-Alicia, xo

COnnect with me on instagram >> @alicimayconnors