Posts tagged binge eating
The Post-Vacation Detox Dilemma

The Bathroom Stall Wisdom: Detox Dilemma

While we were at The Sphere (seriously, so cool!), I went to bathroom before the show/experience started.

The woman in the stall next to me was telling her friend that she was planning to do a detox post-trip, and her friend agreed, I believe her exact reply was, "OMG, ME TOO!"

Now, I couldn't resist the temptation to eavesdrop (I mean, we're practically stallmates, right?), and I couldn't help but think about how many people are going to attempt a post-Vegas detox starting least a few hundred, right???

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Do You Identify As A Chronic Overeater?

If you're someone who identifies as and grapples with chronic overeating—let's clarify, I'm talking about a pattern of frequent overeating rather than the occasional indulgence—keep reading because I'm going to share some insights and strategies that helped me and I hope will help you!

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